WHO Poll

AdamL 4:25 Mon Apr 18
I think I want Spurs to win the league
Spurs have always been my most hated team. WH-Spurs is the one game I want to win each year more than any other, no question. I hate their fans, I hate their jumped up sense of self-important and delusions of grandeur.

However, after today - and to say this would have been unthinkable to me as recently as last week - I think I want them to win the league. Leicester were a disgrace today. A fucking disgusting showing from their players to their fans. The fact our chairman and his son had to be removed by police for "their own safety" is utterly disgusting. The fact they booed the ref off when they - as another poster aptly put it - "should have been sucking him off" - is astonishing. How utterly clueless do you have to be to boo off a guy that gave you a get out of jail card 5 minutes into injury time. It was a disgusting decision to give that pen. Utterly appalling. Utterly disgraceful.

And yet the only reason he was even allowed to make the call was because of a disgusting dive in the box - their second of the game. Vardy was rightly sent off first time around but this one was just as bad. It's so clearly not a foul. It's so clearly a dive. I'm so disgusted by that decision I actually have completely turned on them. And let's not even get started on the fouling by Huth and co on every set piece. It's thuggery pure and simple. When they are not strong-arming people, they are throwing themselves to the ground.

Fairy tales are nice but when you learn that Cinderella is actually a meth addict who has whored out her sisters to feed her habit, the sheen rather wears off. Fuck those cunts. Fuck them. I still fucking hate Spurs but there's no question that if they win it, at least they will have done it without been gifted a bunch of points by fucking appalling refereeing and clear cut cheating.

So, *drinks bleach* come on you Spurs...

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Moncurs Putting Iron 7:23 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
West Ham United and fuck the rest.

I really do not care.

gph 7:18 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Or even the game before last!

dicksie3 7:06 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Leicester City are going to do it now, anyway.

2 shots on-goal against us and 2 fucking goals as a result - one of which being a penalty in the 5th minute of injury-time.

I'm very envious of them and completely baffled by their success.

All they need is two wins and a draw. They can even afford to lose a game.

I just think that a 5-point deficit is huge at this time with both Leicester City and Spurs only having 4 games left each.

gph 6:52 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
The more anti-Tottenham you are, the more proper West Ham you are, right?

Then Uncle Junior is Mr West Ham, because he wants West Ham to lose if it hampers Tottenham.

It's a very unlikely scenario now, but it could still just about come about - on the final day Leicester have won it, but Tottenham and ManU are neck and neck for second place.

Who wants West Ham to lose to ManU?

Sven Roeder 6:47 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to die of AIDS
I'm just hoping Spurs get close enough that it's obvious that defeat at Upton Park has cost them the title.

Willtell 6:40 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Reply Trevor B 5:54
Why do you have to hate a team just because you love WH?

I love my wife but doesn't stop me appreciating features of other women.... from afar of course.

Bernie 6:28 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
ANYONE but tottenham

SUM A DING WONG 6:18 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league

Willtell 12:39 Wed Apr 20

"most of the hatred comes from anti-semitism and jealousy imo."

I dont' think that most West Ham Supporter's are truely that anti semitc. A lot of the chanting, as offensive as it it is, is done purely to wind up and rile all Tottenham supportes regardless of whether they're jewish or not.

A very small percentage of our fans are probably jealous of them being a little bit more succesful than ourselves.

But most people hate them them because they are predominantly supported by arrogant cunts, who think that they're superior because they support "A Big Club"

For me, Tottenham, along with your Arsenal's ,Chelsea's Liverpools, etc are fashion statements. That in turn attracts a certain type of fan who is only interested in image and a chance of winnning, just so they can boast about it - simply put, glory hunter types..

Northern Sold 6:02 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Yeah gutted they never had it in 81... would deffo picked Goddard

simon.s 6:01 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Is it ok to want spurs to nearly win the league, like missing out on goal difference, or something?

I think that's the camp I'm in.

JustAFatKevinDavies 5:59 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
20 years? since euro 96?

well that kind of makes sense sold0

Northern Sold 5:58 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Played FFL for about 20 years (telegraph rules) and it's a major policy of mine when picking my squad of 16 players that under no circumstances shall I ever pick a THFC player... not that I think there is a rivalry between us... it's mainly because their players are fucking rubbish

Trevor B 5:54 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Fuck me there are some embarrassing spurs loving cunts amongst our fans it seems. Fucking tragic. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

One McAvennieeeeee 5:50 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Probably got a load of Spurs players in their Dream team's or something.

Prideless cunts.

Golden Oldie 5:48 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Fuck me, supposed West Ham fans even so much as suggesting they want Tottenham Hotspur to win the title.

Then again not surprising considering the mixed loyalties of the majority of those saying it.

This place really has gone full kikel.

Willtell 12:39 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
I don't have the hatred for Tottenham that most do. Through the years they have been a better run team than WH and usually play decent football but most of the hatred comes from anti-semitism and jealousy imo.

I hate their chairman as he's the worst kind of slimeball but he has achieved a lot for them so you cannot deny slimeballs can work well. But we're catching them now and will overtake them but I'd still like to see them overtake Leicester after our last game...

The Kronic 12:19 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Adam, feel free to cry over this too, you hysterical cunt.


One McAvennieeeeee 9:00 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
If Leicester win the league by a point, I reckon Andy CARROLL and Jonathon MOSS should be knighted personally.

gph 2:37 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
The World didn't end in 1961, did it?

Three years later, we were landing trophies of our own.

It's not going to end this season either, no matter who wins the league.

*looks forward to 2019*

alphaharps 2:05 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
I can see Leicester getting a point or maybe 3 at Utd. Their game suits Van Gaal's . Sit back and soak up the minimal Utd pressure and counter

BRANDED 1:17 Wed Apr 20
Re: I think I want Spurs to win the league
Ranieri only EVER comes second.

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